This week we had 7 baptisms at Fort Jackson! Yes 7 of them! It was amazing! Miracles just continue to occur there! (Look at photos)
Those who were baptized: Pvt’s: Reynolds, Guo, Johnsey, Pfeifferm Faulk, Mendez, and Winfield.
---------------- Fort Jackson:
I absolutely love serving on the military base! This week was another miracle, like last time! I met a soldier, Pvt Winfield, who had been to church once and loved it. He had committed to baptism. So I invited him to be baptized this week and then taught him the commandments and Gospel of Jesus Christ, then set him up for an interview. He was so ready to be baptized! By the end of the lesson, he was the one teaching me why it is important to follow God’s commandment!
Here is a quote from Elder Richard L. Evans:
“A prophet of God has said: “Men are that they might have joy” – a joy that includes a fullness of life, a life dedicated to service, to love and harmony in the home, and the fruits of honest toil – an acceptance of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – of it’s requirements and commandments.
Only in these will you find true happiness, the happiness which doesn’t fade with the lights and the music and the crowd.”
I know that this is so true!
Also, Specialist Guo got baptized too! She was the one who spoke Chinese and English! She is so sweet! I love her!
Fort Jackson is the best, because everyone in basic training has to live the Word of Wisdom and Law of Chastity for 10 weeks! This really helps for interviews and worthiness. (In order for someone to be baptized, they must be living the WOW for 1 week and the LOC.
I am grateful to get to serve here with so many missionaries and soilders. It is such a group effort to help everyone to prepare to be baptized! We can’t do it without each other and the Lord!
-------------------------- Miracles:
We have been searching in a big trailer park for a less active member of the church who recently moved in. After 3 weeks, we found him! His name is Charles. Last week, we taught Charles a lesson. As we were wrapping up the lesson, I felt impressed to share an obscure story from the BOM with him. At first, I was uncomfortable sharing it, thinking that he may be offeneded by the message, but I knew that I needed to, so I trusted and did.
Well as I did, a head popped up from a chair. There was a man in the back of the room, who had been listening! That man was Bill, he loved the story! He then opened up and told us about his life, which led to us inviting him to be baptized! Bill now wants us to meet his neighbor Larry to share more with him too! I know that when we are diligent in our task, Heavenly Father blesses us. I know that there was a reason that I studied that story in Alma that morning and that there was a reason that I needed to share it. Heavenly Father has such a great plan!
----------------- Exchanges:
This week, I went on three exchanges, one of which was with Sister Bell! We got to be companions for 24 hours and saw so many miracles together! There certainly is something to be said about success that comes from companions who are in unity and who are happy!
Sidenote, my companion is awesome!
Another miracle: On one of the exchanges, I was with Sister McHaley, who serves in the YSA ward. She is incharge of all the ysa in the area. Well we just happen to have been teaching one of our new investigators, who is 23. She now is going to be baptized and wants to share the gospel with her softball team.
It was a miracle because she said yes to baptism and becuase Sister McHaley was there. Sister McHaley and her companion Sister Creager, will be the ones to teach her now. Miracles are out there!
I know that if you look for miracles every day that you will find them! I am so grateful for all of the miracles and blessing I am receiving and seeing out ehre. I love y'all. Have a great week!
Sister Anderson

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